Public Holidays Bali 2024 & 2025: All The Holidays In Indonesia You Need To Know

If you’re visiting Bali this year, there’s a fair chance you will get to enjoy one (or more) of the local public holidays.

To help you know when these public holidays are and what they mean, we’ve got an awesome guide to the public holidays in Bali and Indonesia for 2024 and 2025.

National Holiday Program For Indonesia

Flag of the Indonesia

While the majority of holidays in Indonesia are religious holidays, there are several secular holidays too and they are all a cause for celebration.

New Year’s Day – the traditional Western New Year is celebrated all over the archipelago and January 1st falls on a Wednesday in 2025 and a Thursday in 2026

International Labor Day – this global celebration of workers is a holiday in Indonesia and the holiday falls on Wednesday, May 1 2024 and Thursday, May 1 2025.

Pancasila Day – this day celebrates the day that Sukarno, the Indonesian Nationalist, first outlined the principles of an independent Indonesia. It falls on Saturday, June 1 2024 and Sunday, June 1 2025

Indonesian Independence Day – this joyful celebration marks the first independence day from the colonizing powers of Indonesia. It is celebrated by flying the national flag in public and there are many different activities on this day to remind citizens to be grateful for becoming masters of their own destiny. It falls on Saturday, 17 August 2024 and Sunday, 17 August 2025.

Cuti Bersama (National Public Holiday) – there is no special meaning to this bonus day off which was created to deliver a long weekend to local workers. The government believes that long weekends lead to travel within Indonesia and thus, stimulate tourism. Unfortunately, there is no date announced for this style of holiday for 2024 or 2025.

New Year’s Eve – the end of the year is also a holiday (not just New Years Day) and you can see in the New Year with a hearty celebration thanks to having the day off – December 31st is a Tuesday in 2024 and a Wednesday in 2025

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Religious Holidays In Bali And Indonesia

recommended activities to prepare for nyepi

While the majority of Indonesian people are Muslim, the nation recognizes several official religions (including Islam, Balinese Hinduism, Roman Catholicism, Protestantism and Buddhism and possibly, the law is vague about this, as well as Confucianism).

That means there are many different religious holidays in Bali and Indonesia and they are all accorded equal respect under the law of the land.

The dates of some of these national holidays will vary each year as they are often based on the lunar calendar (Islamic Calendar) or the Balinese calendar which do not align exactly with the Gregorian Calendar used by most Western nations.

Religious holidays in Bali are provided to everyone equally, you do not have to be of a given faith to take a holiday on any official Indonesian holiday.

The Ascension Of The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) – this day marks the date when the prophet was taken up to heaven to meet God face to face for an evening while he slept in Mecca. It falls on Thursday, February 8th 2024 and on Monday, January 27, 2025.

Chinese New Year – this date marks the beginning of the “Spring Festival” in China and is a period of renewal, family and wishes for prosperity among those of Chinese descent and particularly for Confucians. In 2024, Chinese New Year falls on Saturday, February 10 and in 2025, it will fall on Wednesday, 29 January.

Galungan & Kuningan – these holidays in Bali are unique to the Balinese calendar and thus, they take place twice a year. They celebrate the triumph of good over evil and in 2024, they take place on Wednesday, 28 February and Saturday, 9 March and then again on Wednesday, 25 September and Saturday, October 5. Then again, the following year it will be Wednesday, 23 April 2025 and Saturday, 3 May 2025 with a further occurrence on Wednesday, 19 November 2025 and Saturday, 29 November 2025.

Hari Raya Nyepi (The Balinese New Year) – this is the “festival of silence” and hari raya Nyepi is the most important day in Bali. It marks the Hindu New Year and this public holiday is celebrated by people staying at home in quiet contemplation. Even the airport is closed for this one of the island’s public holidays and you should expect to spend the day in your hotel/villa/resort as you’re not allowed to go out on this day in Bali.

Good Friday – Good Friday is the day that Jesus Christ was crucified in the Christian calendar and for non-Christians in Indonesia it marks the start of one of the long weekends offered by the public holidays here. It falls on Friday 29, March 2024 and then on Friday, 18, April 2025.

Easter Sunday – Easter Sunday marks the day of the resurrection of Jesus and it falls on Sunday 31, March 2024 and Sunday, 20, April 2025.

Hari Raya Idul Fitri (Eid Al Fitr) – this is one of the two major holidays in the Islamic calendar and it marks the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan (in which all Muslims fast from dawn to sunset every day for a month). In 2024, it falls on Wednesday, 10 April (though the celebration begins on the evening before) and then again on Monday, 31 March 2025. (We have a guide to Ramadan in Bali, if you’re curious about this time of year). 

Ascension Day Of Jesus Christ – this marks the 40th day after the resurrection and the day at which Jesus is said to have joined his Father in Heaven according to Christian faith. It falls on Thursday, May 9 in 2024 and Thursday, May 29 2025.

Waisak Day/Vesak Day – this is a celebration of the Buddha’s birthday and while “Waisak Day” takes place exclusively around Borobudur, the biggest Buddhist structure in Indonesia, Vesak Day (an alternative name for the festival) is celebrated throughout the country. It falls on Thursday 23 May 2024 and Monday 12 May 2025.

Eid Al Adha – this is the festival that commemorates the Prophet Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his oldest son to the Lord (Ishamael was spared and a lamb was offered in his place). It takes place on Monday 17 June 2024 (though the celebration begins on the evening before) and then again on Saturday 7 June 2025.

Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Birthday – this day celebrates the date of birth of Islam’s most holy prophet. It takes place on Monday 16 September 2024 (again with celebrations starting the evening before) and then again on Friday 5 September 2025.

Christmas Eve – this is the day before Christmas which is often celebrated by Christians. This takes place on Tuesday 24 December 2024 and then on Wednesday 24 December 2025.

Christmas Day – this is the day that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, and one of the holiest days in the Christian calendar. Christmas Day will take place on Wednesday 25 December 2025 and then on Thursday 25 December 2025.

Public Holiday FAQs

What Day Is Everything Closed In Bali?

Nyepi, which falls on March 11 2024, is the day of silence here in Bali and it’s one of the most important days in the local calendar.

It is said to help the island avoid evil influences for the following year and people spend the day in quiet contemplation with their families at home.

Even the airport is closed for this day and most resorts offer some kind of special package for those looking to spend the day in the country in comfort.

What Is The Biggest Holiday In Bali?

Nyepi is the biggest holiday in Bali because it’s the most important day to the local Hindu population (who make up about 83% of the island’s total population).

However, if you visit the rest of Indonesia, then you will find Nyepi is not a major holiday and that the two Eids, Eid Al Adha and Eid Al Fitr, are the biggest celebrations among the Islamic population.

However, if you find yourself hanging out with Indonesians of Chinese descent, you may find that it’s Chinese New Year that matters most.

There are also substantial Christian groupings in Indonesia for whom Good Friday, Easter and Christmas are the biggest festivals. And Wesak Day is the biggest holiday for Indonesian Buddhists.

Which Day Is A Holiday In Bali?

If you scroll up, you will find a full list of all the holidays here in Bali for 2024 and 2025. There are quite a lot of them.

How Many Public Holidays Are There In Indonesia?

There are a minimum of 15 public holidays each year in Indonesia. However, there can be more holidays in any given year as the government can decree bonus holidays to stimulate the local tourism industry.

Is Friday A Day Off In Indonesia?

No, while in some Islamic nations, Friday is a day off, that’s not the case in Indonesia. In Indonesia, Friday is a working day and Saturday and Sunday are the usual days off.

However, if you visit the province of Aceh, you may find that Friday is considered to be part of the weekend and that Sunday is a working day, instead.

What Is The Sacred Holiday In Bali?

There are many sacred holidays in Bali but the main ones celebrated across Indonesia are Galungan and Kuningan as well as Nyepi.

How Do You Book A Holiday In Bali?

We always recommend you book your holiday in Bali through the local travel specialist service Bali Res Centre.

They’re locally owned and operated and can provide all the inside info you need to have an amazing time on the island.

Final Thoughts On The National Holiday Program For Bali And Indonesia

There are so many public holidays here in Bali that you are very likely to encounter one or more such holidays when you visit.

From New Year’s Eve to the major events of the Islamic calendar (such as the Lebaran Holiday of Eid), there’s something for everyone and there are long weekends galore!

Whether you’re here on the Full Moon for Chinese New Year or joining us at FINNS for the ultimate New Year party on New Year’s Eve, you’re sure to have an amazing time!

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