Bali Culture Shock: All The Culture Shock Moments You Might Experience While Adjusting To Balinese Culture

Bali is a very popular holiday destination and the Balinese people are famous for being welcoming and kind.

However, some practices do take on a new meaning in the country and it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the practices that might otherwise cause a little culture shock.

Our guide to culture shocks in Bali will help you understand the Balinese way of life a little better and ensure you have a great holiday here on the Island of Gods.

15 Culture Shocks You Will Find In Daily Life In Bali

It’s Perfectly Normal For Everyone To Stare At You

balinese attending ceremony

This is less common than it once was, but if you go somewhere in Indonesia that gets relatively few visitors the locals tend to be a bit surprised to see a foreign face.

In Balinese culture that can lead to them stopping to look and stare at you. Nothing negative is meant by this, it’s simply a display of curiosity.

If you say, “hi” and engage with people doing this, you can quickly make some amazing friends on the island. They will be delighted to learn more about you.

Eating With Your Hands Is The Order Of The Day

Man Eating Indian Food During Dinner

From Bali to Jakarta people in Indonesia tend to eat with their hands rather than using cutlery.

We’ve realized over time that this interesting approach to food means that eating is much more environmentally friendly in Bali than at home.

You Can Be Hours Late And Nobody Will Bat An Eyelid

traffic kerobokan near lio square hotel k 23070061 Oli

Bali is all about “jam karet” which is “rubber time” and it means that the Balinese don’t expect everything to happen according to the hours of your clocks.

They understand that everyone can have a bad day that sets them off course and makes them late for a visit or meeting. Traffic often doesn’t help, either.

There’s no need to make an excuse, people just arrive when they can.

However, we don’t recommend that you practice this if you get a job at a local company, you will be expected to attend on time, just like you are in any other job.

Privacy Is Optional

Happy beautiful chinese women friends bonding at home

This is a very open society and most Balinese people are going to ask questions, even if those questions aren’t appropriate at home.

They don’t mean anything by it, it’s just how things work here, and the questions aren’t rude to the Balinese.

There Are A Lot Of People With The Same Names

Happy senior woman with a cane in village

Names here represent the birth order of the child and once they reach “four” they start all over again.

So, you will meet a lot of Wayans and Mades, because they’re “Number 1” and “Number 2”.

People Here Believe In White And Black Magic

balinese monk on traditional spiritual ceremony wi 2023 11 27 05 01 21 utc

One of the reasons that Balinese people make offerings to the gods is to keep evil spirits at bay and that means there’s a deep-seated belief in both good and evil magic.

It’s All Friendly Folks Who Smile All The Time

Happy senior farmer giving thumbs up

People here make an effort to smile and be welcoming at all times of the day. When you visit that can feel odd, but it’s meant kindly.

Many Foreigners Take Foolish Risks In Bali

traveling on a scooter in bali a couple in love o 2023 11 27 05 29 29 utc

This may be the worst thing in Bali. Foreigners take insane risks by jumping off cliffs without understanding how they will land, riding scooters without crash helmets, etc.

Sadly, bad things do happen in Bali and it’s best to change course before you get hurt.

The Food Can Get Pretty Spicy

We love to eat the local street food and in the warungs but you should be aware that spicy is often the order of the day.

If you don’t like too much chilli on your grub, don’t panic just ask them to make you something with less spice than normal.

The Traffic Is Whack

With almost no discernible road rules and roads in a terrible state of repair, the traffic in Bali can get out of hand.

If you travel at peak hours in peak season, you can expect a trip to take much longer than the distance would suggest.

Just enjoy the beauty of Bali out the window, while you let the driver deal with any frustrations at the speed of the cars.

Plastic Can Be A Real Problem

plastic waste and trash on sandy beach environmen 2023 11 27 04 56 11 utc

If you visit Bali, sooner or later you’re going to run into a big pile of plastic waste – these aren’t offerings to the Gods. They’re just waste.

The government is tackling this problem with mixed results but there are clean-up crews out every day trying to stop this from building up.

You’re Not Going Anywhere On Public Transport

bali metro bus denpasar kompas com
Image Credit:

There are buses on the island, but nobody uses them because the routes are terrible.

There is a local ferry on the island, but it’s a bit prone to sinking for our tastes.

And there’s no local equivalent to the tuk-tuk, the bemos are long gone, sadly. There are also no train services of any kind in Bali.

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So, don’t expect to use public transport to get around the island unless you’re interested in spending a lot of time hunting down bus stops in obscure places.

Flies And Mosquitoes Are The Norm

aedes aegypti mosquito 2023 11 27 05 26 51 utc

This isn’t one of the happiest bits of being in Bali but you will need to embrace the idea that bug spray is your friend.

You will find flies and mosquitoes all over the place.

Everyone Books Rides On Their Phone

passanger giving direction to online driver 2023 11 27 04 57 52 utc

This is a result of the absence of public transport. Instead of getting on a bus, you use Grab or Gojek on your phone to book a moto-taxi or an actual taxi.

Because these services are really cheap in Bali, you;ll find that everyone from the Balinese to tourists use them to get around.

You Can’t Miss Canang Sari

Traditional balinese Canang Sari offerings to gods and spirits w

Canang Sari are the little offerings made to the Gods and left outside every home, office, shop, temple, etc. in the land.

They’re made by local women to ward off evil spirits and to create a little beauty in everyday life.

Just don’t stand on them (particularly when the incense is burning) and it will be fine.


What Are The Rules For Bali Culture?

Balinese Culture isn’t particularly rule-heavy for visitors. They ask that you respect local customs and that you dress properly at sacred sites, ceremonies, etc.

But otherwise, the local culture is very welcoming to foreigners and it’s understood that visitors won’t know everything there is to know about expected behaviour on the island.

What Is Bali Culture Known For?

Balinese people are famous worldwide for being friendly and kind and it’s easy to make friends on the island.

In addition to that, you will find that life in Bali is about seeking spiritual balance in accordance with the local Hindu faith.

Is There A Tipping Culture In Bali?

No, there’s no tipping culture in Bali and with the exception of getting a massage at a spa (where a small tip is customary), there’s no need to tip unless you feel the service is exceptional.

In most restaurants, cafes and hotels, you will pay a service charge and it’s listed as a line item on the bill and this is paid to the staff – so if you tip, you’re tipping twice.

Small places specializing in local cuisine may not have this charge and it’s fine to tip if you want to in those places, but it’s still not expected.

You can learn more about Balinese tipping culture here.

What Is The Dominant Culture In Bali?

Indonesia is a very large place and the majority might be Muslim, but that doesn’t mean that it’s a uniform place.

In Bali, the dominant local culture is, in fact, Hindi but it’s worth noting that it’s a very tolerant place and there are Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, and more living in peaceful circumstances alongside the Balinese Hindus.

Final Thoughts On Culture Shocks In Bali

Wherever you go in the world, the customs and traditions are bound to be different from your own.

Culture shocks are a natural part of life and they’re not unique to Bali, the best thing to do when you discover something new is to simply watch and learn from the locals.

The Balinese people are sweet and kind and very tolerant of any mistakes you make when handling the culture, so don’t worry too much if you show that you’re surprised by something in this country, nobody will judge you harshly for it. 

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