Lost Or Stolen Passport In Bali? Here’s What To Do About It

There are few travel experiences that are worse than losing a passport. The good news is that it doesn’t need to spell doom for your holiday and there are things that you can do to get your holiday moving again.

Our guide will help you understand exactly what you should do if your passport goes missing.

Step-By-Step Guide To Dealing With A Lost Or Stolen Passport In Bali

Passports of Australia background Immigration or travel concept

Step 1 – Make A Police Report

Just before you decide to make this report, make sure to go through everything in your room, once more. Check your pockets, bags, wardrobe, drawers, room safe and in the bed, under the mattress, etc.

If you’re certain that your passport is gone, then it’s time to visit a police station to make a police report. This is a relatively simple, though potentially time-consuming, process.

Once you’re done, the police will give you a certified copy of the report that you’ve made. You need to hang out to that as you will need it at your embassy.

You can use Google Maps to find the nearest police station or ask at your hotel or guesthouse and they will be happy to help.

Step 2 – Get In Touch With Your Embassy

You’re going to need to call the “consular department” of your national embassy or consulate in Indonesia. They will help you make an appointment to see someone about a new passport and making your passport application.

Unfortunately, the majority of embassies and consulates here are in Jakarta which is not in Bali, it’s on nearby Java island.

Before you travel to your embassy, you should get the following documents ready to help support your passport application:

  • The certified copy of your police report from the previous step

  • Two passport photos of whatever standard size is required by your embassy (usually 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm)

  • A copy of your national ID card, driving license or photocopies of your old passport. This can help to prove your identity.

Note: If you don’t have a specific document, you should explain this to the consulate before you go to your appointment. Passport applications can be complicated and they may ask you to bring people from your home nation before they issue the new documents to help prove your identity.

You will not get a new passport in the consulate, they will normally issue an emergency passport, this is a document with a fixed (and temporary) validity that you can use to get home and then make a full new passport application.

If your identity can’t be readily confirmed when you hit the embassy, you may need to wait until the embassy can verify your identity. Don’t worry, it will happen but can take up to seven days.

Step 3 – Go To The Immigration Office

Once you’ve got your new travel documents, you need to get an exit permit. You must visit an immigration office (usually one in Jakarta or one in Bali).

You won’t be able to board a plane without this permit.

Step 4 – Talk To Your Airline

Airport, Eindhoven, Netherlands

If your tickets are still valid, you can ask the airline how to use your new documents to get on the plane. You may need to pay to update the contact information on the tickets and this might have to be done via their website or in their offices wherever they may be based in Indonesia.

If your tickets have expired, you may need to buy new tickets to return home.

Step 5 – Once You’re Home Start The Process To Request A Replacement Passport

Passport of Australia in pocket jeans. Travel, tourism, emigrati

This process varies dramatically from country to country and can take anything from a day or two to several months.

Things You Can Do To Make Life Easier In The Event Of A Lost Passport

There are several preventative steps you can take to make life easier and either prevent the loss entirely or make it easier to get your emergency passport sorted if you do lose your passport:

  • Use your phone to make copies of your passport pages this includes the main name page plus any visas and entry stamps related to your current trip. You could also ensure you have a copy of the Bali tourist tax QR code.

  • Email the copies to yourself, so that if you lose your phone with your passport, you can still get to the documents

  • Try to have a second form of ID with you that your embassy will recognize – this could be a national ID, a driving license, a military ID, etc.

  • Don’t keep your passport on you while you are outside on holiday. If you have copies on your phone, they will do fine if you are asked to provide them by someone in authority.

  • Do keep your passport and any other valuables (including any cash in Indonesian Rupiah that you might have) in the hotel safe.

  • Don’t use a passport as collateral for anything. This includes scooter rental, jet ski rental, on check-in at a hotel, etc.

  • If you take your passport onto a boat, it’s best to keep it in a waterproof casing.

  • Don’t wave your passport anywhere near monkeys, it doesn’t work out well.


Can You Use An Emergency Passport In Bali?

Emergency passports are valid travel documents for leaving Indonesia. However, in the majority of cases, they can only be used to return home and not to access any other country.

These documents are also time-limited and you must leave Indonesia before they expire.

What Happens If You’ve Lost Your Passport?

If you lose your passport, you’re not in trouble, but you will need to contact the police, your embassy and immigration to get travel documents that enable you to leave Bali.

Do You Need A Passport From Bali To Australia?

Yes, you need a passport from Bali to Australia. This is true whether you are an Australian citizen, an Indonesian citizen or a citizen of any other nation.

Can I Travel Back If Lost My Passport?

Yes, you can travel home if you’re passport goes missing. However, you must report the details of the loss to the police, your embassy and immigration and arrange for permission to go back home.

What To Do If You Lose Your Australian Passport Overseas?

You should file a report with the police, then contact your consulate in Bali, and then visit immigration to get an exit permit.

What Can I Do If I Have Lost My Passport In Bali?

You must contact the local police, your embassy or consulate and immigration. They will then help you get the necessary document to leave Indonesia.

Final Thoughts On A Lost Passport Bali

Losing your passport is stressful and replacing it can be a bit of a pain. However, it doesn’t have to completely ruin your holiday.

If you follow the steps above, you can replace your passport with the minimum of fuss and be back to the beaches in no time. 

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